The Pull Out Game

America’s Riskiest Pastime

The Client


The Problem


The Solution


The Results


NTARUPT is a non-profit on a mission to improve DFW’s dismal teen pregnancy statistics.

Schools have pulled out of sex ed and screwed teens with abstinence-only education. Now, teens are going at it like rabbits without learning the birds and the bees. Parents are getting busy instead of talking to their kids about sex. Teachers are handcuffed by outdated rules. And pop culture teaches safe words, not safe sex.

A 30-for-30-style sports mockumentary that takes a long, hard, and surprisingly informative look at America's riskiest pastime: the pullout game.

Nearly two years of work. Multiple story arcs. A presentation to the mayor. A hip-dislocating amount of simulated sex. Gratuitous innuendos. Teens laughing their asses off. A lot of things you don't normally see in advertising. (And a few awards.)

We put a lot into this campaign, but we pulled out even more.

We also created a social campaign supporting the video, including trailers, preroll video, and Instagram Stories.


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